PORTABLE LED STRING LIGHTING PRODUCTS are available in both explosion proof and water proof hand lamp systems. Supplied either with 120v or 12 volt LED bulbs. 12 volt systems will be supplied with a 120v to 12 volt lighting transformer. String lights come in 50′, 100′ and 150′ cord lengths with hand lamps wired in series within the power cord. The hand lamps are space 10′ apart and have 3′ cord drops. Each string has a trailer cord. This is defined as the cord between the last hand lamp and the end of the cord with plug. Trailer cords allow string light systems to be installed with enough power cord to reach outside of the confined space entry area. The hand lamps are designed to be hung by their hooks. Warranty will be voided if found that water was determined to have entered the wiring compartment of hand lamp. The only way water can enter would be through hand lamp being hung by cord or upside down. Bossltg is a UL Certified portable lighting assembler. Qualified by professional certifications to assemble string light systems to meet clients specific applications.